Friday, October 28, 2011


Halloween party is tomorrow night!
me excites! i can't wait to play dress up and party all night long.

I even made my own neck piece just for the night. and NO! im not dressing up as a minimouse or some harry potter character.

and did I mention supermarkets and gift shops here are the nicest place to shop during halloween period. They sell really cute accessories that I had to try everything. I ended up buying things that are not necessary.

and btw people who are reading this and you happen to stay near by my place, please lock your doors! my housemate just got robbed last night. Two guys threaten him asking him if he has weed and took his wallet and phone and ask him to bring them to his home to check if he has a lappy and any valuable goods. I was sleeping by that time when they came. Another of my housemate saw and called the security police. But when the police arrive, the two guys ran away.

From blog

Im heading to bed early tonight as tomorrow will be a long day for me. Much assignments and projects to do which means I have to cut down on going out on weekends. Sadsad me.

Anywayz Sweetdreams loves and just wanna wish you a


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