Monday, October 17, 2011

For the Artsyfartsy Minds

Visited Tate Modern, London yesterday.

Before that, do check out my croissant hair bun I did for the London trip. I was actually using the cam to check if my hair was neat from behind. Its a lil messy but I likey the messy hair bun.

Anyway back to the topic.

So what is Tate Modern??

It is the Home of International Art from 1900. Tate Modern reveals the sheer variety of international modern art, from Warhol's Self Portrait, Lichtenstein's Whaam! and Ai Weiwei's Sunflowers.

One of my favourite room is the POETRY AND DREAM. This room contains over 70 paintings and sculptures by the surrealists and their associates who prized the power of the unconcious and dreams. Artist: Georgi de Chirico and Jennis Lounellis, Surealism and Beyond, Elements of Chance, John Heartfield, Pablo PICASSO, Joseph Beuys, Lamia Joreige, Dark Humour, Realisms, Ai Wei Wei

Here are some of the paintings and art I heart that I saw in the gallery.

Sculpture and bananas

Can you see the two sculptures. The skinny and the fatty. Reminds me of the images in Roald Dahl books.

The painting I love most would be this.

The redhead and the skeleton tells a lot in the painting. What say you?

and here is PICASSO paintings. Omg! I got to see Picasso paintings! For those who do not know who is Picasso, he is one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century.

Fyi, if you wanna know how to differentiate a Picasso painting, jus view his similar colours, big small up down left right boobs and vjj line.

My fav display, sculpture:

Gerhard Richter: Panaroma

check out his afro!


Warhol's Self Portrait

Can you see the paintings moving??
*for the black and white image, scroll up and down, it moves faster*

Meet Mr Invisible

From blog
Do you think the bridge looks like a skeleton? pretty cool right..

From blog
Interesting facts bout me:

I study in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry.
My best friend is Harry Potter.
I am Hermione Granger asian sister.
and I always take the scarlet steam engine named the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross Station to Hogwarts London.

get it?? *the uniform*

Anywayz I just came back from Hogwarts and I am feeling pretty tired now.

Good night hearts.


sinying said...

i lurve this post!! nice pix from the galleries :) thx for sharing sweet

ohyea! ur hair looks gorgeous.. haha.. think i'll try tat bunn out too :P

sueann said...

thanks. talk to you soon loves